Guide to Paperwork
This article or section is from the VOREstation wiki.
This article or section is directly taken from the VOREstation wiki, and should not be fully relied on for CHOMPstation. You can help by updating it.
Writing is an integral part to paperwork and writing books! If you want to write an official department memo, or a good looking book, you're gonna have to know how to write it. Listed below are the examples of how to properly format in-game paperwork! We do not enforce the use of these examples exactly. This is to simply to give you a good base to work from. Much of this work has been siphoned off from many different places in the SS13 community. Notable examples being two Separate Baystation -- forum posts, and parts of the Polaris wiki. These examples already have most of the special notation included,To properly understand how the notation works, you will need a basic grasp of BBCode or HTML. But don't worry, even if you don't know either, just try copy pasting the examples and replacing the text with your own! Once you're comfortable with that, try experimenting with what works together and how.
Writing tools and Formatting key
Writing is performed on paper using any standard writing utensil.
- Pens come in a few different colors, black or blue by default, and some departments are provided with red pens. Pens have a variety of functions!
- Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.
Formatting Paper:
To sign your name, use the [sign] tag. Remember that if you use the [sign] tag, your signature is unique and cannot be forged in most cases.
Your signature: [sign]
To insert a field from which you can start writing (instead of just using the bottom of the paper), use the [field] tag.
Reason for Request: [field]
New Lines
New lines can be created by using the [br] tag. Without this, anything you write will continue on the same line until it reaches the end of the page.
text above [br] text below
To make text bold, enclose it within the [b] and [/b] tags.
[b]This text is going to be bold.[/b] This text is not.
To italicize text, enclose it within the [i] and [/i] tags.
[i]This text is italicized.[/i] This text is not.
To underline text, enclose it within the [u] and [/u] tags.
[u]This text is underlined.[/u] This text is not.
To center text, enclose it with the [center] and [/center] tags.
[center]Type the center tags onto the paper like this![/center]
Create a list by using the [list] and [/list] tags. For every entry in your list, add a [*] in front of your entry. For example;
[list][*]Bullet one.[*]Bullet two.[/list]
Large Text
Make text larger, enclose it within the [large] and [/large] tags. Large text like this can be used for emphasis or for titles.
[large]This text is much larger[/large] than this text.
Small Text
To shrink text, enclose it with the [small] and [/small] tags. Shrunken text can be used to fit more information onto your paper.
[small]This text is very small![/small] This text is normal-sized.
Horizontal rules
To add a horizontal rule, use the [hr] tag.
text above [hr] text below
NT Logo
To add the NT logo, use the [logo] tag.
Emergency Transmission
[center] [small]Form T-11[/small] [h1][u]Emergency Transmission[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [/center] [hr] [b]Station Time:[/b] [time], [date] [br] Sender: [sign] Position [field] [br] Message: [field] [br] [hr] Signed: - [large][sign][/large] [center][small]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Personnel Request
[center] [small]E-12[/small] [h1][u]Personnel Request Form[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [/center] [hr] [b]Station Time:[/b] [time], [date] [b]Personnel Needed:[/b] [table] [row][cell]Exploration[cell][field] [row][cell]Cargo[cell][field] [row][cell]Medical[cell][field] [row][cell]Service[cell][field] [row][cell]Security[cell][field] [row][cell]Science[cell][field] [row][cell]Engineering[cell][field] [row][cell]Command[cell][field] [/table] [h3]Reason:[/h3] [field] [hr] - [large][sign][/large] [center][small]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Head of Personnel
Access Change Order
[center] [small]Form D-23[/small] [h1][u]Access Change Order[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [/center] [hr] [b]Station Time:[/b] [time], [field] [b]Employee:[/b] [field] [b]Position:[/b] [field] [b]Access:[/b] [field] [b]Reason:[/b] [field] [hr] [b]Signature of relevant Head of Staff:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Head of Personnel signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Employee's signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [hr] [center][small]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Dismissal Order
[center] [small]Form Q-34[/small] [h1][u]Dismissal Order[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [hr] [/center] [b]Station Time:[/b] [time], [date] [br] [b]Employee:[/b] [field] [b]Position:[/b] [field] [br] [b]Reason:[/b] [field] [hr] [b]Signature of relevant Head of Staff:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Head of Personnel signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [center][small]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Job Change Request Form
[center] [small]Form Q-14[/small] [h1][u]Job Change Request[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [hr] [/center] [b]Station Time:[/b] [field], [field] [br] [b]Employee:[/b] [field] [b]Position:[/b] [field] [br] [b]Reason:[/b] [field] [hr] [b]Transferring department head signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Receiving department head signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Head of Personnel signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Employee's signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [hr] [list][*]All department heads must agree to the transfer before transfer can take place. [*]If the transferred has been transferred for an invalid or illegal reason, this form is immediately void and unlawful. [*]In the event a relevant head of staff retracts his or her approval for this transfer, this form is immediately void and unlawful.[/list] [hr] [center][small]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Lost ID
[center] [small]Form I-05[/small] [h1][u]ID Replacement Request[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [hr] [/center] [b]Station Time:[/b] [field], [field] [br] [b]Name:[/b] [field] [b]Position:[/b] [field] [br] [b]Reason[/b] [table] [row][cell]Lost[cell][field] [row][cell]Damaged[cell][field] [/table] [hr] [b]How was the ID lost or damaged?[/b] [field] [hr] [b]Requesting crewmember signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Signature of relevant Head of Staff:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Head of Personnel signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [hr] [small] ID card requests fall under the fair use policy 28-I. NanoTrasen withholds the right to deny and and all applications for a replacement ID, dependent on policy 28-I. Excessive ID loss or damage as agreed on 28-I is to be compensated for out of personal income and account as specified under 36-Q. [br] [hr] [center]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Delivery of goods
[center] [small]Form I-05[/small] [h1][u]ID Replacement Request[/u][/h1] [logo] [station] [hr] [/center] [b]Station Time:[/b] [field], [field] [br] [b]Name:[/b] [field] [b]Position:[/b] [field] [br] [b]Reason[/b] [table] [row][cell]Lost[cell][field] [row][cell]Damaged[cell][field] [/table] [hr] [b]How was the ID lost or damaged?[/b] [field] [hr] [b]Requesting crewmember signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Signature of relevant Head of Staff:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [b]Head of Personnel signature:[/b] - [large][field][/large] [hr] [small] ID card requests fall under the fair use policy 28-I. NanoTrasen withholds the right to deny and and all applications for a replacement ID, dependent on policy 28-I. Excessive ID loss or damage as agreed on 28-I is to be compensated for out of personal income and account as specified under 36-Q. [br] [hr] [center]Stamp here.[/small][/center]
Need discussion on whether or not to import specific examples, I don't want to blanket copy-paste from VOREwiki. Feel free to do so if you're super into paperwork and the example seems relevant or just add your own, there's not exactly staff enforcement on needing to do IC paperwork. Nadyr (talk) 18:15, 10 November 2019 (CST)
For now, refer to VOREwiki for example paperwork.
Guide Table | ||||||||
Starter | CHOMP-Specific | Medical | Engineering | Science | Security | Other | Development | |