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Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician
Access: ETC, Chemistry, EMT Bay, Operating Rooms, Virology, Morgue, EVA, Maintenance
Difficulty: Exhausting
Supervisors: Chief Medical Officer
Duties: Safely transport patients back to the infirmary, stabilize life-threatening injuries
Guides: Guide to Medicine, Guide to Surgery

The Paramedic plays an extremely important role on board the station. Primarily tasked with reaching injured crew members far from medbay, every second counts and every action or inaction means the difference between life and death. It is heavily advised you play as a Intern or an out-of-the-way Medical Doctor role regularly to familiarize yourself with the practices of medbay before attempting the job of paramedic. Paramedics are trained in the medical field, but are not doctors and are just doctors specialized in getting patients out of danger and to medbay (or retrieving their bodies). They're trained in detecting and fixing symptoms found on the field and in the art of triage.

Getting Set Up

A large part of the paramedic job is having all bases covered and prepared before an actual call because once you get it, there is little to no time to fetch any missing medicine or equipment. A good paramedic must be able to stabilize a patient on the field, and reduce/stabilize any critical damage to their body. A good paramedic must also be able to reach all corners of the station as soon as possible, regardless of its condition. The following items are recommended - necessary, even - to operate effectively:


This equipment is the minimum required to be efficient during an emergency.

  • A pair of AR-M glasses to get an estimate of someone's health from a glance, check their records, and view suit sensors.
  • A health analyzer for basic but very necessary diagnosis of injuries.
  • A syringe to extract reagents from bottles to administer to the patient quickly.
  • A medical belt to store your medicines, normally bottles.
  • Dylovene and Inaprovaline bottles to draw from to stabilize and treat basic injuries.
  • File:AMed.png An advanced kit placed in your backpack, along with other kits to make up for whatever isn't in the chemistry fridge. You probably spawned with one.
  • A roller bed to transport patients quickly without dragging. Toss it in your backpack.
  • File:Stasis Bag.png A stasis bag to transport critical patients to medbay.

Additional Equipment

More equipment found around medbay or medicines made by a Chemist may greatly improve your chances of saving lives and preventing unnecessary damage.

  • A pair of latex or nitrile gloves to prevent spreading infection look professional because lack of proper gloves only spreads infection during surgery.
  • File:Sterilemask.png A sterile mask to reduce chance of catching airborne pathogens.
  • An internals mask for environments with harsh atmosphere.
  • File:EmergencyOxygenTank.png An extended emergency oxygen tank in your internals box for emergencies.
  • Bottles of Bicaridine, KeloDerm/Dermaline, and Dexalin Plus.
  • A webbing vest/drop pouches to store more medical items.
  • File:Medical Hardsuit.png A voidsuit assembled and ready.
  • File:ComDefib.gif A compact defib to resuscitate a dead patient. Fits on your belt, found in the EMT Bay.
  • File:Hspray.png A hypospray loaded with a stabilization mix.
  • File:Inflatables.png A box of inflatables to get into dangerous areas safely and without spreading danger to anywhere else.

Responding to an Emergency

Now that you're all prepped and ready, it's only a waiting game until your first emergency arises. Whether by monitoring suit sensors or a radio call, you'll have a name and a place. Rush to the scene as soon as you can, making sure you're equipped with your voidsuit if the area is depressurized. Once on scene, you will need to stabilize your patient before moving him/her to medbay depending on the state he is in.

Non-Critical Patient

If the call you've responded to is non-critical (the patient is fully conscious, stable, and/or health above 0) then all you need to do is diagnose the specific problem and administer the necessary medicine on the field. It is advised, however; to bring the patient back to medbay for a more thorough check. Nonetheless, you will find yourself performing several of the steps found in the next section, but with much less urgency, which means less medicine used on the patient which can be treated by Medical Doctors.

Critical Patients

Dealing with critical patients is a bit more tricky. More likely than not, you'll find critical patients (health below 0) are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate. This will make finding the exact cause of the problem unlikely - if you're new - in the field, which will require that you transport the patient to the medical bay post-haste. But before that, a series of steps are required to make sure your patient doesn't die on the way. The steps are listed in order of importance.

  • Scan the patient with your health analyzer. Seriously, this should be the first step to literally anything.
  • Administer Inaprovaline to the critical patient to make sure his situation doesn't worsen.
  • If the patient is bleeding, apply a trauma kit to the affected area as soon as possible to stop the bleeding.
  • If the patient is suffocating, administer Dexalin to counteract the hypoxia.
  • If the patient has/had an open wound, it is advised you apply an advanced burn kit to kill any infection at the stem. This is a preemptive measure, and unnecessary unless you believe the patient is in such a dismal condition that you can't afford any more risks. You are unable completely capable of detecting infections on the field by means of observing their temperature, or by examining the potential area of infection if it has progressed to dangerous stages.
  • Treat any remaining burn, brute, or toxin damage with the application of advanced kits, pills, or injections to further improve the state of the patient.
  • Administer Tramadol if the patient is suffering from pain-causing symptoms. Patients in shock are less communicative which might hamper your ability to diagnose the problem.
  • Finally, splint any fractures before wheeling the patient away on a roller bed.

It may be in good taste to inquire the patient about their status. If they can speak clearly, good job!

On arrival, make sure you brief any doctor that will handle your patient on what you administered and what their symptoms are. Failure to do so may result in an angsty nurse repeating the treatments that you've already conducted which may lead to an overdose.

What to Do When Out of Emergencies?

Paramedics, being non-doctors trained in the medical field, can assume other roles around the medbay to make MD's lives easier and improve overall efficiency of the medical bay, basically acting as a glorified nurse.

  • Help move patients from one branch of the medbay to another.
  • Monitor the reception area, monitor suit sensors.
  • Handle triage, stabilizing patients who were left waiting.
  • Check up on patients who were moved to the sub-acute/recovery ward.
  • Simply ask doctors what you can do to help.
  • Patrol the station to preemptively catch emergencies because you're an elitist who wants to show up your coworkers being tethered to medbay is suffocating but you're afraid of getting looked down on if you go ERP even though that's what we're here for.

Roleplay Tips

  • Paramedics are trained on urgency and that every second counts, unlike the MDs who had to spend over a decade studying to start practicing ignoring that most doctors here have no formal education and learned on the job. That contract between your coworkers and you can be used to enhance RP.
Jobs on CHOMPstation

Command Colony Director, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Psychologist, Chemist, Geneticist
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist, Xenobiologist, Xenobotanist
Exploration Pathfinder, Explorer, Field Medic, Pilot
Service & Civilian Intern, Visitor, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Chaplain, Command Secretary, Janitor, Librarian, Entrepreneur, Clown, Mime
Station-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse